Always ONLINE!
HANSAEL is a licensed Accounting Authority (AAIC) and official Inmarsat Service provider. We also offer an extended range GSM service as an alternative to near-shore satellite communications. In combination HANSAEL LR GSM + SATCOM terminal vessel get ultimate, solid, effective and cost friendly communication tool which keeps the vessel always ONLINE worldwide saving ship’s budgets.
HANSAEL GSM solution works across all global mobile GSM service frequencies, meaning customers are not limited to a particular mobile network provider.
HANSAEL specializing in:
- Providing airtime services and solutions
- LRIT Certification & Testing
- Inmarsat activations
- Accounting Authority (AAIC)
- Point Service Activation (PSA)
Also our unique programme, “HANSAEL SafeSatNet” helps you to optimize and save time and money using worldwide maritime satellite internet.
HANSAEL SafeSatNet Features:
- Multiple LANs ( Business, Crew)
- Broadband connection management ( FBB, IOP, VSAT, Thuraya)
- Compression, caching and optimization for improved internet browsing
- Built-in email server allows connection to corporate or webmail services
- Custom module supports integration of third party and customer-specific programs
- Complete visibility, control, and accountability across networks and devices from ship and shore
- Supports next generation of crew communications with embedded PayPal and credit card authorization
Having partnership agreement with major Accounting we are able to deliver the high level of AAIC and Inmarsat activations service for most flag states.