SAILOR 4300 L-band terminal, designed for global satellite services in Cobham’s Iridium Certus ℠ platform is now available for booking.
- Built-in GNSS
- Multiple satellite tracking with no moving parts
- Easy to install (single cable ADU/BDU – 75m coax)
- SAILOR quality
- Bulkhead and 19” rackmount configuration
Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) guarantee 100% coverage with high bandwidth IP connectivity and three high-quality voice lines for global calling. Produced for Iridium Certus ℠, SAILOR 4300 offers a highly reliable link over satellite network with speeds up to 352/176 Kbps and suitable for data-heavy applications including; video conferencing, multi-user Internet/VPN, IoT alongside regular usages such as email, electronic forms/reporting, and crew communication. 20 years of L-band experience at sea let Cobham’s to develop a Broadband Core Transceiver (BCX) type terminal with superior performance.
SAILOR 4300 is also performed for VSAT service providers as a cost-effective, high-speed secondary communications channel by essential back-up.